Teresa Misagal with her hands in a barrel of ink

TueNight 10: Teresa Misagal

(Sukumo aka indigo dyeing, Tokushima/Kyoto/Kyoto)

Age: “53. Holy bejeezus.”

Basic bio: Teresa is a shibori artist who uses indigo as her medium. She is a maker, creator, collector, and Japan traveler who draws on her fashion and photography background to combine traditional Japanese techniques with her vision as a non-Japanese to create functional textiles. She’s always on the quest for the tastiest soba.

Beyond the bio: Once I left my comfy job of 22 years and took off to Japan, I never looked back. Trusting my heart and taking a leap of faith with the support of my mother and dear friends, I am filled with gratitude. I’ve learned that the more I let go and live by trusting and following my heart, the more connected I feel to the universe and everyone in it. I’m able to differentiate when I try to control things and focus (ie. in my work and slow down) and when to move through the world freely. Our lives are awesome and I’m happy living it (cue my grown ass lady tears now…pass the Kleenex).

What makes you a grown-ass lady? Being comfortable in my own skin and doing things that make my heart sing to live my truth. Not doing things to please others or fill their exceptions to define or make me likable.

1. On the nightstand: I don’t have a nightstand but on the floor next to the bed: Langston Hughes’ The Ways of White Folks, Haruki Murakami’s Kafka on the Shore, Susan Weed’s Menopausal Years: The Wise Woman Way, and the November 15th issue of the NYT’s T Magazine.

2. Can’t stop/won’t stop: Eating and making stuff.

3. Jam of the minute: “Three Simple Words” by Fat Night.

4. Thing I miss: Since I can’t travel to Japan because of Covid: Japanese food, clothing, antique markets, behaviors, and sensibility.

5. ’80s crush: I can’t even remember what i did on which day last week or even what today is but because I saw an Instagram post this morning… this was a definite YES: Jim Morrison. OK so he’s not ‘80s BUT I listened to him in the ‘80s and wished he’d existed in my time. I mean… that jawline alone then the hair and the styling. #inspiration #hot. Yowza.

6. Current crush: Believe it or not, a Bumble match (who currently lives in Maine).

7. Latest fave find: I find stuff all the time. But if i think i can make it, i’ll try to rather than buy it. One recent find is a lanyard type phone case from XOUXOU. Of course a project on my list is to make a new lanyard to attach to the case, Teresa style.

8. Last thing you lost: Jeez, I misplace stuff all the time, too. But i think my dog’s collar fell off. I can’t find it! Ruht rohhh.

9. Best thing that happened recently: Meeting a like-minded, free-spirited person on Bumble and the Burton release of a project I worked on with them over a year before the drop.

10. Looking forward to: More 5-hour phone calls with the Bumble guy. Kidding not kidding but he often lives in Maine. But seriously looking forward to going to Japan again to see all my friends, immerse my hands in sukumo (true indigo vat), rummage thru antique markets and EAT!

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