It seems like five minutes ago we were running around in our cut-offs listening to a cassette tape of Prince’s 1999. We were drinking beer, playing Bar Quiz with that cute guy, and then going back to the newspaper to slog away on a story until 2.a.m. We were moving to a shiny new city, becoming a manager, able to afford a DVF wrap dress and the occasional Manhattan-priced martini.

We worked hard. We succeeded. We moved. We got married. We stayed single. We had kids, or we chose not to, or maybe we actually forgot to have kids. Oops.

Some things have settled (and I do mean settled) and some things have simply changed… or evolved.

If we have a “free” night, we’d usually rather cuddle up and binge episodes of Fleabag than go out. But ask us next week, and we might still be up for that martini. We’re running families and businesses, traveling to New Orleans for the weekend, volunteering at a local school, catching up with friends on social media, figuring out how to get the better of our finances, our health, our lives and our loves.

Did I mention, we’re starting a brand new relationship at 46? (He makes furniture.)

We don’t have a roadmap, but we’re looking to invent our own.

We are still living life the way it’s supposed to be lived.

And, bonus! We have perspective.

Our run hasn’t ended yet my friends. In fact, it’s just beginning.

Why TueNight?

TueNight is your night. After your 9-5, we’re your 5-9.

It’s a few minutes out of your busy week to explore where you’ve been and consider where you want to go next.

We share stories about the things that matter to us now — live at our events,  here on the site and in our weekly newsletter: well-honed life hacks, the frontline of dating in your 40s, books and music we know you’ll dig, and tales of people who found the courage to “come out” and be themselves. Even at 46, it’s harder than you think.

We talk to you with zero BS. (Because at this point, who has time for anything but.) We’ll start deep conversations here on, we’ll meet you in person at our TueNight Live events and share hilarious Gen-X-only memes on The TueNight Social, our vibrant online community.

We want to take a wee bit of your Tuesday Night to have a frickin’ blast.

We’re making something together.

Join us TueNight.

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