About TueNight
TueNight is a place to get real with other grown-ass women.

Well Hello! It’s me, Margit.
Welcome to TueNight, a place where women over 40 come together to share the hilarious, sometimes messy, always very real stories of our grown-ass lives.
I started this jam because I wanted to have conversations that reflected the life I was living, the life you are living: you know, we have seen some things and we know some things, and we still have big plans and a busy social calendar, and time for everything that interests us… and no time at all for bull___. BUT that’s not what we see in the media. Once women clear 40, we are made to feel like we are clinging to the last gasp of our best years.
And that ain’t the story. All the women I know are more alive and more sure of who they are — even if they aren’t exactly sure what’s next for them — than ever before. This is our reward! So I wanted to share stories about midlife that no one else was talking about, to change the way the world sees (and values) women over 40, and to change the way we see ourselves, affirming all that’s good about our badass, experienced selves.
Here on TueNight, we elevate the topics that matter to us now, live at our “grown-ass lady storytelling” events and workshops, in essays here on TueNight.com, in conversations in our amazing community The TueNight Social, and in our weekly TueDo List newsletter. On this site, you’ll find well-honed life hacks; essays about caregiving, second careers, dating in midlife; books, music, TV and shopping stuff we know you’ll dig, and tales of people who found the courage to “come out” and be themselves.
We are always becoming. And we’re just getting started.
Our Origin Story
Back in 2013, I wrote this essay — called Dinosaur Jr. about my first Huh? Who old? Me? moment, to kick off the site. And then published a handful of fantastic stories written by other women, who had experiences similar to mine, but different, too, of course. And thousands have followed.
I called the site TueNight (say it with me: too-night) to reflect a night that’s not about your partner, your work, your kids, your chores, to-dos and must-dos. It’s a few minutes out of your busy week for a little you time — to explore where you’ve been and consider where you want to go next. Tuesday nights are when we “go live” — in our events, workshops, website and pretty much everything else we launch. TueNight is shorthand for Tuesday Night but it also means tonight, like right now. ‘Cause we’re making stuff happen RIGHT NOW.
Here You Are…
Read the stories. Find your story. Share your story. And keep making up your story as you go along, doing as you please. Because we are here to remind you that you are nobody’s “ma’am”
Thanks for being here. We get you. And we got you.
Drop us a line, we love hearing from you!
Reach us Hello@TueNight.com with your questions, writing submissions, and partnership or sponsorship inquiries.
The Team

Margit Detweiler
Founder + Editor-in-Chief — @Margit
Rather than rattle off a list of places I’ve worked (which you can see here, or here), this is where I’m at, right now, in this moment: I’m a writer, editor and digital publishing vet / business owner with a punk-rock heart, a Brooklyn apartment and arthritic knees. I’m also a recent cancer survivor and have chronicled my experiences in the TueNight column, Ovarian Rhapsody.
My best professional experiences have included a combination of creativity, writing, leadership and a work environment filled with ridiculously talented creative spirits. My secret agenda: I’m trying to build that, from scratch.
My TueNight: Wander late night through street lamp-lit New York City streets with my man, a band and a beer at the Bell House, or cuddled up with turmeric tea, reading the new Prince biography (SO good).

Margaret Crandall
Newsletter Editor —@cranniem
I grew up in Washington, DC, but I missed out on most of the cool bands (Minor Threat, Bad Brains) because I went to a tiny all-girls Catholic school in the suburbs. Where we did have a big-name go-go band play at a school dance one time, so it wasn’t all bad. Oh, and one of my classmates gave me that first Doug E. Fresh album on cassette and I still know all the words to those songs. In college I discovered ska music and was obsessed for the next 8 years, but then I got restless and moved to San Francisco to start over. That was more than 20 years ago. Now I’m content to listen to whatever’s on the radio, and I’d rather get up early and take some dogs on a nature adventure than stay out all night at the rock show. I’m a writer and editor by training, but my superpowers are decluttering, dogsitting, and making other people laugh when I’m being 100% serious. Midcentury antique stores and golden retrievers are my Kryptonite.
My TueNight: A quick stop at the local dive bar to say hi to friends and their dogs, then in bed before 9 with a book and/or Netflix.

Stacy Morrison
Editor, Next for X — @bklynstacy
I’m a writer, editor, dreamer, unasked-for-advice-giver, doer. Known for talking about embarrassingly intimate things (see also, my memoir Falling Apart in One Piece and everything I’ve ever written here), a long run in magazine publishing (Redbook, Modern Bride, Marie Claire, Time Out New York), and swearing more than is generally recommended in good company. Also known for carrying my bleeding heart out in front of me and making everyone tell me where they hurt. I’m quite a ride, and let me end by saying I love you, truly.
My TueNight: An hourlong drive to hang out with the love of my life (we’ll be shacked up soon), followed by records on the player, the New Yorker, live music when we can, and deeply competitive games of memory match (I fucking CRUSH memory match).

Liz Thompson
Social Media Manager—@thisfullhouse
I am a Jersey Girl (born and raised), forever chasing sunsets for that PERFECT shot… for the gram! I began my online publishing career with my blog (This Full House) way back in 2003 (when social media was in diapers), while raising four kids all under the age of 10, because it was cheaper than therapy, ‘nuf said. Today, I’m also a proud Grandma (a.k.a. Mimi) and I look forward to collecting all my parenting paybacks by spoiling my Grandbaby(s) ROTTEN!
My TueNight: Curling up on the couch with my hubs, a glass of semi-sweet Riesling, and seeking some much-needed Zen in my growing collection of coloring books, not necessarily in that order.

Jen Roventine
Operations Manager—@jen.roventine
I’m a Minneapolis girl born in Staten Island but transplanted to MN at such a young age calling myself a New Yorker would be false, but calling myself a midwesterner feels…weird. I’m definitely a city girl and love being surrounded by art, music, and easy access to loads of breweries and distilleries.
My TueNight: Trying to get some form of dinner on the table before running my son off to lacrosse practice. After mom-ing it up, relaxing on the couch and playing on my phone with Netflix in the background.
Quick thanks to a few more folks who have made this she-bang possible over the years: Adrianna Dufay, Karen Gerwin, Kat Borosky, Darian Harvin, Justine Lorelle LoMonaco, Mark Gardner, Deanna Brown, Susan Linney, Stacy Morrison, Helen Jane Hearn, Erica Hornung, David Young, Elke Hofman, Molly Goldberg, Nancy Gonzalez, Michelle Mangen. You rock.