9 Passive Aggressive Gifts They’ll Love. I Guess…

(Graphic: Helen Jane Hearn/TueNight)

Ah, the holidays. ‘Tis the season to rejoice, make merry, listen to Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas” and bite one’s tongue when one’s confronted with the time-tested barrage of unsubtle passive aggressive comments from friends and family.

Well, two can play that game.

In the name of holiday harmony (and your sanity), why not bite your tongue as you wrap the world’s most passive aggressive gift ever? Why say it when you can pay it forward with a gift that does the indirect communicating for you? Why not give something that says you care enough not to say exactly how you feel but not enough to not be somewhat passive aggressive about it in your gift-giving?

What? I was only joking! God. You don’t have to get so upset.

TueNight gift guide holiday gifts modernica
(Photo: Courtesy of Modernica.net)

1. Fiberglass Confetti Eiffel Chair

The gift that passive aggressively says “your taste in housewares is beyond basic.”

$395, Modernica.com

TueNight gift guide holiday gifts basic
(Photo: Courtesy of Valfre.com)

2. Basic Repellant Phone Case

For your “friend” who IS basic.

$38, Valfre.com

TueNight gift guide holiday gifts stop talking
(Photo: Courtesy of Papersource.com)

3. Shut Up Cards

The gift that passively aggressively says, “Literally no one cares, bye.”

$9.95, papersource.com

TueNight gift guide holiday gifts check the cup
(Photo: Courtesy of Sayitwithacondom.com)

4. Helpful Reminder Condoms

The passive aggressive gift for your friend who’s single-handedly keeping Tinder afloat.

$42.25 for 25, SayItWithACondom.com

TueNight gift guide holiday gifts fuck feelings
(Photo: Courtesy of Powells.com)

5. Fuck Feelings Book

The passive aggressive gift for your friend who’s never not all up in her feelings.

$19.99, Powells.com

TueNight gift guide holiday gifts ovary sweatshirt
(Photo: Courtesy of Myrtlela.com)

6. Rachel Antonoff Ovary Sweatshirt

The passive aggressive sweatshirt that’s perfect for your friend who can’t STFU about her cramps. (Or, in other words, me.)

$98, Myrtlela.com

TueNight gift guide holiday gifts blue apron
(Photo: Courtesy of Blueapron.com)

7. Blue Apron Subscription

The perfect gift for your friend who nearly poisons you every time he cooks.

From $59.94 per month, BlueApron.com

TueNight gift guide holiday gifts bose headphones
(Photo: Courtesy of Bose.com)

8. Noise-Cancelling Headphones

For your friend who can’t master “inside voice.” CNet loves these, but not as much as you will.

$299, Bose.com

TueNight gift guide holiday gifts dishes nsync
(Photo: Courtesy of Etsy.com)

9. Embroidery Kitchen Cleanliness Reminder

For your spouse/partner/kid/roommate who NEVER seems to remember.

$35, Stitchculture.etsy.com

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2 Responses

  1. Bob Kirksey

    I really enjoy reading your stuff! And thanks for the much needed laughs.

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