A Hairy Week
My nine-year-old nephew asked me, “You have 52 weeks in a year, why would you waste one on hair?”
Oh honey. For better or worse, we are obsessed with our hair. It speaks before we do. It’s our way to hide a little, or scream from across the parking lot. And as we age it shifts into something new. We adjust or we let it be. Most of us maintain it with obsessive regularity — those salon visits, hairbrushings, and conversations foster connections to our friends, our mothers, ourselves.
If you’re a fan of the follicle, this week’s edition is just for you — it’s one of our most jam-packed “themes” yet. From pink to gray, curly to big, natural to chemically saturated — it’s a hairy week.
- GRAY: We have three takes on Gray: My White Stripe, Julie Parr’s Gray-in-the-Making, Laura Silverman’s All-The-Way Gray
- THE WEAVE: Suzanne Rust adds a weave — to mixed results.
- NATURAL: Cherisse Gardner recalls the time she chopped it off — and what she lost in the process.
- PINK: Cecily Kellogg rethinks her process to pink.
- REBORN: Tina Rowley shares the long and regrowing story of her hair.
- BIG: Lori Ferraro goes permed and powerful in the 80s.
- SHORT: Cheryl Botchick takes it short — and explains why you should too.
- DON’TS: Jody Jones gives us a few wacky hair gadgets.
- FILMIC: Piers Marchant shares 5 follically inclined films.
- FURRY: And our canine pals in Dailola Weekly visit a barber shop.
From Our Friends: Take a peek at our friends over at The Mash-Up Americans who — in tandem with TueNight (after a lengthy brunch discussion) — offer their own take on multi-cultural hair.
Tweet or share your own Hair Stories in our comments or on Twitter with the hashtags #HairStories and @TueNight
Oh and why the above photo of The Runaways? Because my friends, that is hair. (It also looks like every babysitter I had in the 70s.)
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