A Tweak For 2015
Some say it takes 30 days to change a behavior, to start – or kick – a habit. Some say 21, some say 66, but we like the tidy sum of 30. (Yes, yes, January has 31 days, but we need the first one to recover, right?) So like the rest of the world, we’re resolving to resolve and starting small. We’re thinking of it as a tweak for 2015: changing one tiny thing about our usual routine, for 30 tiny days. For some of us, it’s a challenge just to test ourselves; for others, it’s a real problem we’re trying to solve.
Our self-prescribed tweaks:
- Jenna Briand will stop wearing pants.
- Amy Choi will stop ordering takeout.
- Lauren Oster will call her mother. EVERY DAY.
- Lauren Young will stop blaming everyone else. She did it.
- Tamar Anitai will give up her sugar addiction. Because, adult.
- And, sorry, but I’m totally going to stop saying the words Sorry, Totally and Cool. Which is cool.
- Finally, our dear friend Gretchen Rubin offers 5 solid tips to make and keep those resolutions. Pencils at the ready.
Follow our hijinks and mishaps with the hashtags #2015Tweak or #30Days through January and we’ll recap in early February. If you’d like to join us, please share your own 30-Day tweak on Twitter or on our Facebook page.
Have a wonderful New Year!
Bye 2014,
2 Responses
The TueDo List: New Year, Little Changes | Tue Night […] kicking off the year with an eye toward change — just one small thing, for 30 days, and yes, weekends count. You […]
Editor’s Note: So How’d Those 30 Days Go? | Tue Night […] For 30 days, six of us challenged ourselves to stop or start one thing. So what did we discover? You’ll have to read this week’s stories to find out, but there were some curious, common threads. Most of us did splendidly for the first week or so. Then something else kicked in — a bit of boredom, peer pressure, cockiness — for whatever reason, a few of us took a slight detour or backslide. Most of us got back on the wagon, though one of us decided cookies were back on the menu. […]
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