Margit’s Note: It’s Our Birthday, It’s Our Birthday!
(Graphic: Kat Borosky/TueNight)And we’re celebrating with this issue!*
Why did we start TueNight way back in ye olde 2013?
Simply put: There wasn’t a women’s website or magazine that truly spoke our language.
Now in our 40s, we couldn’t find anything that wasn’t scolding us to dye our grays, cover pesky age spots or assumed that life was slowing down. The women we know are a hell of a lot more dynamic. Our similarly aged friends are traveling the world, starting new relationships, running businesses, going to concerts (does anyone say concerts anymore?), caring for kids (or not), choosing to slow down. And with that lifelong experience, there are many stories to be told, ideas to explore. As we like to say, “You, Part Two.”
As you know if you’re a faithful reader, TueNight’s stories are organized by weekly themes — from Tears to Wife to Sport to Power to Tribes — and they’re inspired by the conversations we’re already having with our friends.
We chose the following pieces because they truly reflect the hilarity, diversity and choices we all face, and the voice of TueNight.
- Dinosaur Jr. On Entering the Puberty of Old Age by Margit Detweiler
- Silly Things People Have Said to Me When I Tell Them I’m Not Having Kids by Tamar Anitai
- Why Intervention Was the Worst Show for This Alcoholic by Susan Linney
- Four Rabbis and the Get: My Jewish Divorce by Lauren Young
- At What Age Can I Go Back to Dressing Like a Lunatic? by Judy McGuire
- Can We Still Make Best Friends After 40? Hell Yeah by Stacy Morrison
- When I Traded in My Girlfriend for a Wife by Kate Davis
- It Took Me 49 Years to Truly Understand My Mom by Amy Barr
- The Day I Cut My Hair, I Lost More Than Locks by Cherisse Gardner
- Park Slope, Brooklyn: A Mom’s Defense by Adrianna Dufay
We hope you enjoy, please share your comments and tweets and posts about what you like — and even what you don’t — and continue to join us every Tuesday.
* For those of you paying close attention you might notice that our actual birthday was August 28, but we had other topics to discuss. Cause we’re like that. We do things in our own time.
We’d like to thank our sponsors for this issue: VoteRunLead.org, The Wine Sisterhood, Campari, La NewYorkina, Cabot Cheese, Hint Water, Tattly.
7 Responses
Everyday Parenting Happy Birthday!!!!!!
Adrianna Dufay Thank you!!
Margaret Linney And many more!!
Melissa Shusterman Congrats to you all!
Studio Laura Loving Happy Birthday!
The TueNight Birthday Collection on GREAT.LY | Tue Night […] Editor’s Note: It’s Our Birthday, It’s Our Birthday! […]
MargitDetweiler Thanks everybody!
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