Margit’s Note: Let’s Go Shopping!
(Graphic by Helen Jane Hearn/TueNight)
It’s our third annual, two-week extravaganza called the TueNight Gift Guide! Hard to believe we’ve hit year three. Whee!
As per usual, our quirky little gift guide is different in that it’s personality-driven. Our contributors select the gifts of a particular type (books, home, beauty) or for a finicky recipient (the urban outdoorsman and even well, um, a few passive aggressive suggestions). We know how to please.
Speaking of giving, today, December 1, is still #GivingTuesday. Consider this your friendly evening reminder that there’s still time to give to the charities that are important to you — and maybe even break a world record for gratitude.
Here are just a handful of our favorite charities. You could:
- Save the lives of refugees at sea [Moas.eu]
- Plant a virtual tree in Paris [1heart1tree.org]
- Support girls’ education in Sierra Leone [ShesTheFirst.org]
- Help NYC students become better writers [826NYC.org]
- Feed children, the homeless and seniors [FoodBankNYC.org]
- Help fight for laws and policies to protect women’s rights and health [PlannedParenthood.org]
There are so many ways to help — think about what’s truly important to you.
Oh, and by the way, HI! As you can see, I’m back for a bit. I’ll be away again in December, so we’re using this as an opportunity to bring a few new voices to this editor’s note spot —Rachel Sklar, Ann Shoket and more! Thanks again to Stacy Morrison who did a fab job with the Habits and Grace issues.
Here are this week’s gifties — stay tuned for cadeaux part deux next week:
- The ever-so-stylish Kim France offers swank home and office goodies
- Our “Bookmaven” Bethanne Patrick picks books for your toughest recipient
- Land Du Pont has gifts for the urban outdoorsman in your life
- Susan Linney opens up her beauty cabinet for the best indie beauty gifts
- And Tamar Anitai, well, she might suggest these passive aggressive gifts
Giving is always better than receiving,
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