Margit’s Note: Let’s Go to the Movies!
Hey! Why don’t we go to the movies?
Whenever someone suggests a trip to the cinema, I perk up. Is there any better way to spend a rainy Sunday? A frozen Tuesday night at a Frozen sing-along? A sweltering August, spending a Dog Day Afternoon?
Here at TueNight we are movie buffs, fans and nerds. And this week seems particularly movie-tinged.
The Oscars are fast upon us; we just lost our favorite Ghostbuster and the man responsible for much of our 80s entertainment (may you rest in peace Harold Ramis); and we watch as Netflix hops in bed with Comcast for faster streaming and much bigger on-demand implications.
We find ourselves harkening back to why we love the silver screen:
- Jenna takes us to her Iowa drive-in.
- Piers Marchant talks about life as a movie critic and the films he thinks should have received an Oscar nod.
- Susan Linney shares 6 of her favorite movies about addiction.
- Savita Iyer recalls the “Bollywood” of her youth.
- Adrianna Dufay wonders why she can’t stand to watch The Professional.
- And I remember the late great video store, TLA Video.
In the words of Dr. Egon Spengler, “don’t cross the streams!”
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