Recap: Learn the Art of Storytelling in Everyday Life
You’re on a date. You’re nervous. You’re excited. You’re into this person, but after you give each other the rundown on what you do, how many siblings you have and other first date chit-chat, there’s an awkward silence. You’re dying to impress them, but you’re at a loss. What do you do?
Tell them a story.
You’re working on a big presentation. You HATE public speaking, but you really need to impress this potential client and your next promotion is on the line. What do you do? How do you connect? How do you make yourself memorable?
Tell them a story.
Sounds good, but how?
WELL TueNight’s got you.
I’ve been telling true stories from my life for decades. Here’s one of my favorites that I told at The Moth.
And I don’t just tell stories on stage (like at TueNight, The Moth, PBS or at my Yum’s the Word show). I tell them at work, during presentations, client meetings, on dates, job interviews, waiting in line at the grocery store and honestly, every chance I get.
Why? Because it’s the BEST way to connect with people.
I also teach storytelling for companies like Google, Meredith Publishing, pWc, Citi, NYU and nonprofits because they know what an invaluable skill it is personally and professionally.
And I’m thrilled to share that I’ll be teaching a 4-week class for TueNight starting this Tuesday, May 4th!
In this 4-week class, you will:
- Learn the 5 essential elements of every story
- Discover how to mine your experiences for engaging stories
- Find out the qualities of an engaging story
- Generate a bank of story ideas
- Structure and develop a 5-7 minute personal story
- And so much more!
So do you want to learn how to tell a great story, connect with people and make an impact?
Just join TueNighters and you get access to my “Art of Storytelling” class, Keisha “TK” Dutes’ workshop on “Secrets to a Career Change” and so much more.
Hope to see you Tuesday in class!
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