Recap: TueNight Live: Photos from “90’s Bitch” at The Invisible Dog
Last week, on July 17, TueNight Live rolled back a few decades to celebrate our latest issue — 90’s BITCH. Over 80 people gathered in the beautiful Brooklyn art space The Invisible Dog Art Center to listen to stories from Lunachick Theo Kogan, DJ and modern muse Crystal Durant, artist and author Jenny Laden and TueNight founder Margit Detweiler and a discussion with author Allison Yarrow and her newly released book 90s Bitch: Media, Culture and the Failed Promise of Gender Equality. On the walls of the space we featured beautiful art by Anne Mourier, Erika Hokanson, Maya Sariahmed, Vanessa Belli, Jenny Laden and Vadis Turner. We sang along to our 90s Spotify playlist. It was a blast (from the past) to nosh, drink and gab with so many friends and fans of TueNight.
All photos by the talented Erika Hokanson.
A beautiful — albeit muggy — July night at The Invisible Dog.
Friends gathered, including artists from the building like Claudia Paneca and featured artist Anne Mourier.
We also picked up a little fresh produce from our friend Pete Trieber of Treiber Farms.
Margit kicked us off by describing the theme — what is a 90’s bitch, exactly?
And TueNighter Adrianna Dufay described the featured art.
Our first reader, former Lunachick Theo Kogan, described what it was like to be one of the only female bands on the Vans Warped Tour.
Then TueNighter Karen Gerwin introduced Allison Yarrow, our featured author for the evening.
Allison read an excerpt from her newly released book, 90s Bitch: Media, Culture and the Failed Promise of Gender Equality.
Afterward, Karen led a Q&A session with Allison, where we discussed Monica Lewinsky, Hillary Clinton, and how Friends stole their best elements from In Living Color.
We took a quick break. A nice opportunity to buy one of Allison’s signed books,
pour a glass of chilled rosé,
or a glass of chilled Hint Water (thank you Hint, for your generous donation for the evening!)
More talking.
More mingling.
More meeting new people.
And then we settled back for the second half of the evening. Margit kicked it off by reading about her first journalism job interview at Philly’s City Paper.
And Crystal reminded us that Seinfeld made so many people laugh. Remember water cooler shows?
Jenny told the moving story of visiting her father in the hospital while he was dying of HIV/AIDS.
We were lucky enough to get Theo to lead the crowd in the Happy Birthday song
for our good friend and TueNighter Robin Marshall — here with her tribe!
From all of us to all of you. Thank you for an amazing evening and we’ll see you in September!
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