Gifts For Discerning Dog Owner
Janey, my dog, is an amazing beast who has discerning taste. It doesn’t help that her mom has a certain penchant for fabulousness, as well — I always seek out the best of products for the best of friends. I buy Janey gifts so often that she goes nuts when the UPS person comes to the door. Here, I present some of our favorite shipments, which Santa or Hanukkah Harry may deliver if pup isn’t on the naughty list.
1. Tattooed-Inspired Dog Sweater
I never thought I’d own a dog who sported outfits. Seemed dumb. But once I moved to New York City and got a little, lean pup with scant hair, I learned that clothing is not optional: It’s essential. Add to that the fact that I like to think that someday I will get a tattoo, and maybe Janey thinks she will, too. So here’s our intermediary endeavor: a comfy and warm sweater with an old-school, tat-inspired logo. Janey shows the world how much she loves her mom, and I share my inky narcissistic leanings. Rad.
$23, amazon.com

2. Warm Doggie Jacket
While a sweater weathers us through the fall, it simply isn’t sufficient for a cold and snowy winter. If your doggie loves playing outside in the cold — or even just wants to go potty outside when temps drop — the Hurtta Ultimate Warmer can’t be beat. It wraps pup in sleeping bag-like warmth with sleek class.
$53, amazon.com

An Indestructible Bone
Does your dog bust apart every toy she encounters? Rip out the seams, tear out the stuffing, leave the tufted gingerbread man for dead? West Paw Designs manufactures the only indestructible toys we’ve found, like this Hurley Bone. Added bonus: They float, which is perfect for beautiful swimmers like my girl.
$11, amazon.com

4. Personalized Leather Name Belt
You like personalized stuff? We got personalized stuff. My best friend Beth purchased one of these leather beauties for her Mastidane (that’s right – a Mastiff and Great Dane mix). The collars are reminiscent of 70s burned wallets, yet feel so relevant in today’s lumbersexual society.
$21, etsy.com

5. Customized Family Pet Portraits
Not all canine gifts need to be for man’s best friend alone. Etsy is an amazing source of puppitude for doggie parents. Artist Lili Di Prima kills it with her cartoon-inspired family-cum-pet portraits. Words of warning: Lili may not be able to fulfill your order before the end of the year, but you can get a gift certificate for your favorite pet lover, who will receive a fun gift in the dead of winter when more fun is needed most.
$35-$150, etsy.com

Not Really a Dog Person? Read:
What To Get the Cat Lady Who Has Everything
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