Kendra Lendsey Wants You to Embrace Your “Midlife Flyness”
Age: 50.
Basic Bio: Kendra is a motivational speaker who encourages women to embrace the changes of midlife. It’s not about a Midlife Crisis, she says. It’s all about Midlife Flyness. She focuses on the beauty of Midlife, and discusses these topics on her Yo Fly Aunty podcast. Her new book will be available in 2022.
What makes you a grown-ass lady? Fortunately, I had a great role model for aging: My mother. She always took time away for herself — without apology. You know how they say, “You can’t give from an empty cup?” Well, there’s a saucer under that cup. Pour into your cup first so you can give from the overflow.
Here’s her TueNight 10:
- On the nightstand: Books, phone, water, and a fan for hot flashes.
- Can’t stop/won’t stop: Won’t stop but I will take breaks.
- Jam of the minute: Pressure by Ari Lennox.
- Thing I miss: My mom.
- ’80s crush: Bobby Brown (but let me explain…lol).
- Current crush: My Damn Self.
- Latest fav find: A sweatshirt dress with pockets. (It’s the little things.)
- Last thing you lost: My glasses on top of my head.
- Best thing that happened recently: Seeing family & friends after almost two years.
- Looking forward to: Learning, laughing, & loving.
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