Margit’s Note: How to Get Away With Bingeing
I’ve watched everything. All of the shows. Jessica Jones, Episodes, Billions, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (genius), House of Cards (finally)… you know what, I’m not even going to list them. You know what they are, and it’s all of them.
As I’ve had up days and many more down days lately (due to this stuff), I’ve spent a lot of time streaming TV, movies, podcasts and anything else that is entertaining, distracting and pleasantly sedative. I’ll admit, it got kind of strange when I started DVRing The People’s Couch on Bravo, an actually hilarious show where you watch real families, best friends, sisters, etc. watch must-see or cringe-worthy TV like Scandal, Jane the Virgin, Grease Live or #HTGAWM (and if you don’t know what that is, well, maybe it’s time to close this issue.) Seriously. I’d never heard of the People’s Couch, but it’s been on for like four years, so clearly I’m not alone in being entertained. Although my fellow TV addict and our social media manager Karen Gerwin chides me, “I feel bad enough about some of the shows I watch already, much less a show watching other people watch shows I feel bad for watching! I have standards!”
Yeah, right.
So it’s with only with a hint of shame that this week we share our unbridled passion for binge-watching and this golden era of television. I even asked Sarah Milstein to share the list she made for me as I was heading into surgery of her favorite shows to watch while I recovered. Though it’s not all boob tube (remember that term??) — we also, as we’re wont to do, take a few different angles on the word stream.
- Brian Diedrick takes an episodic cleanse
- Amy Vernon tries to avoid being murdered by Netflix
- Sarah Milstein shares the top 28 shows to stream right now
- Laurie White refuses to stream
- Stacy Morrison streams her life unedited
- Susan Linney is saved by The Walking Dead (a TueNight rerun)
- And I have my latest installment of Ovarian Rhapsody where I tune out the chaotic stream of information and finally choose a doctor
Stream on,
(Graphic: Helen Jane Hearn/TueNight)
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