May Issue: First Jobs

What were some of your very first jobs?

Mine: babysitter; Asher’s candy store salesperson; ice cream scooper, book shop salesperson, John Wannamaker’s retail associate, 18th-century-preserved science museum helper.

Our first jobs aren’t necessarily the ones we want for the long haul, they may not be our dream career, but they leave us with important lessons that stick with us forever.

For example:

When a child runs after you with a butter knife, hide in the closet and call their parents.

The freshest food items are in the very back row.

People always smile when presented with ice cream.

Tear up anything you wouldn’t want someone to read in 150 years.

In our new issue, we’re looking back at our earliest gigs with 20/20 hindsight — from the silliest to the scariest to the ones that illuminated a new path.

Our authors are reading these stories live tonight at The Wing so stay tuned for pics and head over here to watch out Facebook Live video from an evening of First Jobs!

Gainfully self-employed,


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