Margit’s Note: What a Mess
Spring cleaning! One of my favorite times of year — no joke. It’s when I go all Kondo on my apartment, roll up my socks, fold them ever so nicely into drawers, parse out items designated for donations or the annual stoop sale and generally de-clutter my world. Of course this year I haven’t exactly felt up to the task, but I’ve enlisted a friend Stormy (aptly named — to tackle a whirlwind of mess) to help me out.
Stormy’s been coming twice a week to help me with some basic tasks as I go through chemo (making freezable meals, running to the post office and dry cleaners etc) but on the weeks I feel better we’ve been organizing. It’s truly her strength and something that genuinely gets me focused on the future – and excited. Watching stacks of old magazines get the boot. Witnessing a pantry filled with expired cans of beans get transformed into a thing of useable beauty. “This shelf is for cans, this section for cereal and snacks, here are your towels” The towels laying on their side, were stacked like a pyramid, easy to access. The woman is genius.
De-cluttering, and the implied organization that comes with it, is a mood booster like none other. (Unless, of course, you’re a Collyer brother). This week we’re looking at clutter piles of all manner – the kind in your home and even in your mind.
- Susan Ito remembers her traveling salesman dad and his “towers” of samples
- Annette Earling says her mental hard drive is full
- Valerie Revelle Medina finds a tiny home after separation
- Rachel Kramer Bussel advocates for hoarding
- Ben Patterson has tips for a tidier desktop
- And in Ovarian Rhapsody, I long for a world without a daily prescription of tasks
(Photo credit: Stocksy.com)
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