Meet Rachel Hughes, a Nutrition Coach and Midlife Wellness Expert
Age: 51.
Basic bio: Rachel is a nutrition coach and midlife wellness expert. She’s on a mission to encourage women everywhere to make their second half better than their first!
Beyond the bio: Life is bolder now. I feel braver and more clear about who I am and where I’m going. I’m over trying to meet external expectations but I still deeply recognize I’m a work in progress. I love being over 50! I truly expect some of the very best is yet to come!
What makes you a grown-ass lady? I’m much more compassionate than I used to be. Towards myself and others. We all have plenty of crap we’re lugging around and I don’t want to be the jerk in the room judging anyone for theirs. I think also, I’ve kind of stepped into myself now. I spent years hiding, weaving and dodging from all kinds of experiences and people and not being myself because I was trying to control a situation from becoming threatening to me. Not anymore. I’m out with myself now. So, perhaps a lot of fear is gone and that’s great.
1. On the nightstand: Hand lotion, reading glasses, several books: A few on menopause, a novel, The Night Watchman, by my favorite author, Louise Erdrich, and The Warmth of Other Suns, by Isabel Wilkerson (reading this one again).
2. Can’t stop/won’t stop: Learning, exercising, cooking, growing, laughing, adoring my son…he’s a dream.
3. Jam of the minute: I’ve re-upped Thievery Corporation while I’m working, which turns out to be perfect background music to most anything.
4. Thing I miss: My dog, Napoleon. He was a Lab/Rottweiler, little bear of a love and I miss his presence.
5. ’80s crush: Honestly, I can’t think of one. I went to junior high with some of them and reality is a real kick in the face, you know? I loved Prince, always, but that wasn’t really a “crush,” it was more shock and awe.
6. Current crush: I don’t really crush currently either, but I have to say my husband is pretty hunky.
7. Latest fave find: The Sundance store opened not too far from me and I’m losing my mind. Also, acne patches, because that’s been a recent thorn in my side.
8. Last thing you lost: My patience. With my husband who I just said I have a crush on.
9. Best thing that happened recently: I truly enjoy the work I’ve been doing for the Perry community. It’s been a blessing to me personally. I feel like I’ve found my calling, at 50! Finally, damnit. And how lucky for me that it’s within this awesome community of women, all lifting each other up during this season of life?! I’ve also made a wonderful friend in Perry’s founder, Laura Crain. She’s a gem and such an advocate for all women, but for me personally, a real cheerleader and encourager.
10. Looking forward to: I’m all about speaking things into being lately. So, I’m open to all the good things the universe has to offer me. It took me a long time to be ready and to feel worthy. I’m good now.
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