Spilling the Secrets of Menopause: From Sex to Sleep to a First-Time Flash
There are so many facets and questions around perimenopause and menopause, that it’s mind-boggling: when does it start, when does it end, what it feels like for each of us, will I still enjoy sex, hot sweats, night sweats, no sweats. And as we do with everything here at TueNight, we like to tackle our problems with first-person, real-life stories.
We’ve aggregated a few of our “greatest hits” on the subject of menopause into a little roundup for you to peruse and enjoy. You will see that you’re not alone; and in typical TueNight fashion, our cadre of writers keep it really real. We also have medical advice from menopause experts and actual tips to help get you through. Fear not — it’s not all bad — there’s of course no more “Aunt Flo,” no worries about pregnancy, and the beauty of making it to yet another stage of this thing we call life.
Hot Flash Tales
My Very First Hot Flash: Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls. They’ll Find You.
Fashion advisor extraordinaire, and now menopause entrepreneur, Stacy London talks about her very first hot flash.
The 5 Kubler-Ross Stages of a Hot Flash
When we talk or hear about menopause, all we hear about are hot flashes. Read about another one, where one writer hilariously recounts her very first one (hitting at a VERY inopportune moment) and the other talks about the Kubler-Ross menopause stages of her very own summer.
Menopause Brain Foggery
I Wish I Could Forget My Memory Lapses
Brain fog or forgetfulness is yet another symptom of “the change” — what our writer calls “unwanted commercial breaks” in language flow. Read all about it, and feel a little better about temporarily losing your…. What was it I lost again?
The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mom
Menopause brain fog is so real. Whether you can’t remember your second child’s birthday, or where you left your wallet, you are NOT going the way of senility. Let our writer tell it — with some serious hacks to get by.
Sleep It Off
I Found My Tribe in an Insomniacs Facebook Group
The writer finds connection — and a better night’s sleep through sharing her experiences
An Insomniac Gets Serious About Her Snooze
Ah yes, sleepless nights, yet another symptom of menopause. Here our writer waxes poetic on getting her zzz’s and how she overcame.
Expert Menopause Advice
Perimenopause Is Really Hot Right Now! We Have 5 Questions
Pre-menopause, the Beginning of Menopause, the Onset of Menopause , or Perimenopause — whatever you call it, we’ve got you that as well as some other menopause queries!
Hormonal Havoc: Understanding the Symptoms of Menopause
Is this excessive sweating because of your age? Are your menopause symptoms normal? Our expert helps folks identify the signs of menopause and may help to pinpoint when menopause starts.
What the Heck Is Vaginal Atrophy?
We investigate answers — and solutions — to this surprising new twist in our vulvovaginal landscape.
Mind-Blowing Sex & Menopause. Yes, It Is Possible.
Even though the average age of menopause is 51, we know that a good, no great, mindblowing sex life, can happen during and even after the change of life. Here are five sexpert tips that will keep it burning in the bedroom, as you burn up each day.
More on Menopause
You can find additional menopause posts in our archive. Don’t forget to browse the rest of our site for more stories, culture, and wisdome from grown-ass women or sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop.
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