Reinvention, and It Feels So Good …
Sorry Peaches and Herb. (Wait, you don’t know who Peaches and Herb are? Well what are you doing here??)
Anyway, hi, hello. Let me reintroduce myself. I am Margit and this is my note. It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these. There was a pandemic, you see, well there still is a pandemic and in the meantime, because what else was I going to do sitting inside all this time, I was working on redesigning and rethinking TueNight.
I am coming up into the sparkly, Internet-shiny sunlight and very excited to debut this particular Issue. Our theme this month is, appropriately, “Reinvention” — the overhauls and rethinks we make in our careers, our deepest relationships, where we reside and even to a better night’s sleep. The need to reinvent shows up in our lives when we realize (or are forced to realize), “you know, there’s definitely a better way to do this thing here.”
As you can probably tell, we’re debuting a little reinvention of our own — bells, whistles, a gorgeous new design and logo and even a brand new community full of workshops, events and more ways to engage with each other, thoughtfully.
And like a lot of things in our lives that we reinvent, it was about time.
Back in 2013, when we started TueNight I was a young pup of 46, affronted at the notion that women over 40 were mischaracterized or, worse, disregarded. I wanted to do something about it. Tell and share the stories of the diverse collection of women I know who are vibrant, engaged in the world and, as the old trope goes, not-giving-a-fuck.
But you know what? I’m sort of tired of that phrase. I’d actually like to give a fuck.
At 53, seven years later and a whole lot grayer, the shift from my 40s to my 50s has been one of shifting from that realization of IDGAF to ok, how can I make this world a better place? How can I be a better listener. How can I get out of my own way? How can I make smarter choices? Personally, politically, in my everyday life. The filters become more important, the time more limited, the horizon comes into view.
So it felt like the exact right moment to double-down on TueNight, double-down on we amazing women in midlife, in all our kaleidoscopic difference, and find powerful new ways for us to come together as a community. Together, we help each other become who we are really meant to be. Because we never, ever stop becoming. And that, my friends, is something we must celebrate!
Here Are This Week’s Stories:
- Tara Phillips finds a safer haven in a move to Paris
- Margaret Crandall shares advice on how to stop waking up at 3 a.m.
- Stacy Morrison wonders how to reinvent her post-pandemic wardrobe?
- Suzanne Guilette shares 13 people’s stories of transformation

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