Style & Design: Women Who Inspire Us
Jamyla Bennu
By Patrice Grell Yursick
“Jamyla inspires me to be my best self, to always exercise my right to create, to put my ideas out there in whatever medium I can and to find delight and joy in the everyday aspects of life.”
Read about why she inspires us
Isabel Marant
By Susan Linney
“I’m amazed at how she started so small and made it so big, purely as a result of her own uncompromising, off-the-cuff style; an ahead-of-its time look that we now see everywhere.”
Read about why she inspires us
Tina Roth Einsenberg
By Margit Detweiler
“Tina has said she believes in “taking your personal projects seriously“ and “labors of love because labors of love always pay off.”
Read about why she inspires us
Deborah Berke
By Rudabeh Pakravan
“Deborah’s command of an elegant yet restrained design aesthetic has allowed her to create timeless and rich spaces that celebrate the inhabitants and context as much as the architecture.”
Read about why she inspires us
Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
Editor’s Note: 38 Women Over 38 Who Inspire Us
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