Susan’s Beauty Wish List for Fall
(Graphic: Kat Borosky/TueNight)
Honestly, the only lists I make are about beauty products. Specifically, the ones I want NOW. Autumn is such a great time of year — it’s cool but not uncomfortably so (leather jackets!), you can switch out your flip-flops for fall boots (I would sell my soul for THESE) and you can wear a little more makeup, without the fear that it will melt off under the sun.
This is my current beauty wish list for the upcoming two months.
1. Red Lipstick. Fall is the only time I feel comfortable wearing a true red lip. Lipstick Queen Silver Screen Lipstick in Have Paris, $50 (If I splurge),
2. Red Nail Polish. I tried this color when getting a manicure last week for the TueNight party. Now I need a bottle at home! Essie Nail Polish in Jump in My Jumpsuit, $9
3. A New Blur Cream. Right now I’m obsessed with blur creams. They give your skin a filtered, “blurry” look — similar to how you appear in Instagram images. Flaws (for me that’s visible pores, which seems to be getting bigger by the day) are concealed instantly and if you use foundation, a blur cream can boost its coverage power. is really good, but I want to try a higher-end brand to see how it compares. Kiehl’s Micro-Blur Skin Perfector, $35.
4. A New Mascara. I’m dying to try Tarte’s new Gifted Amazonian Clay Smart Mascara, $10.
5. Make a Bunch of Sock Buns. My crazy, curly hair rarely does what I’d like it to, so I often wear it up in a messy top knot. However, I recently tried this sock bun trick and it totally works! (I know, the girl in the video is half my age. So be it, she has hair like mine. And, I tell you, this trick is fan-friggin-tastic!)
6. Fake it. I have a hair secret. I sometimes wear clip-in extensions. They really help when you’re in a pinch!
7. Moisturize. My skin gets so dry and scaly during the winter (ew!). I’m religious about moisturizing my body, but I always get dry flakes on my face halfway through the day. So I’m going to see if a treatment makes a difference by using this mask regularly.
8. Fall scents. I’m not at all a pumpkin-spiced latte drinker, but I can still enjoy the fall-inspired smell with a pumpkin-scented candle from Archipelago.
9. A little eye shadow. I want to try giving my eyes a Fall-shaded hue, by trying colors like purple, copper and deep brown.
10. A trip to Pucker. Every season I like to treat myself to a “Quickie” at Pucker, which is just like DryBar but for makeup. I like to add on some false lashes, too — then go out to dinner with my husband and/or friends. There’s nothing like getting your makeup done by a pro (and they don’t ever overdo it or push products on you like they often do at makeup counters).
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Editor’s Note: Your Kiss Is On My List | Tue Night […] Susan Linney lists her fall beauty picks. […]
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