My System: Gretchen Rubin on Her “Power Hour”

Gretchen Rubin in NYC at her book launch party. (Photo: Leslie Fandrich)

Who: Gretchen Rubin, best-selling author of The Happiness Project and Happier at Home.

System:  At 6 a.m. Gretchen has a “power hour” of solitude and focus where she can write, catch up on emails, tweet, before her day “officially starts.”

”At 7 a.m. I have to get my children up, get them fed, get them to school. So, I have this precious early morning hour when everything is quiet and I don’t have any distractions. It’s just for me.”

What prompted the idea? “I realized that our family mornings were hectic and unpleasant, because I was racing around trying to get too much accomplished at once. It finally dawned on me that if I got up an hour early, I’d be able to get a good start on my day.”

Do you consider yourself a morning person?  ”I think some people are larks and some people are owls and you really have to know where you are. And so for an owl I don’t think that would work at all to get up early, to fight their nature. But for me it just comes very naturally.”

How often do you do this? ”Every single day, including weekends and vacation. And the thing is, even if I couldn’t do any work at all for the rest of the day, it’s surprising how much I get done in one hour, when I persist every day.”

Are there other things, or the way you set up your space, to get you in the mood for that solid hour? “No I just get up and go. I do drink coffee and diet soda.”

Wait, both? “I have one in my left hand, one in my right hand, and I’m double fisting it.”

Are you serious? ”It’s not that I’m sleepy. I wake up naturally, because I go to bed on time, which is important. It’s just, like, my way to start the day. It’s like my little treat. I don’t eat breakfast until like eight.”

Let me just confirm: You literally have both of them on the table in front of you at the same time? ”Yes. I go to the kitchen and I make myself you know the coffee, I grab the can and then I head to my desk. I like having something hot, and I like having something tepid. I drink all my soda tepid.”

Tepid soda. Wow, your systems just keep on coming… Yeah, I have weird idiosyncrasies.

Do you ever have any time later in the day where your energy and focus comes back or is it just that early morning power hour? “I wish that it did. A lot of times I’ll have periods where I can really focus but I still feel life buzzing around me, which is nice in a way too—everybody’s up and everybody’s working and everybody’s around and that’s pleasant in its own way, but it’s a different kind of energy.  Sometimes I work in a library so I have people all around me, so I like that too, but it’s not like that perfect, early morning solitude.”

You can get Gretchen’s latest book here (don’t worry, not every tip includes something hot and something tepid.)

Here’s to happy, productive, caffeinated mornings.



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  1. Editor’s Note: Balance?!? | Tue Night

    […] Gretchen and Rachel have two different amazing systems for getting stuff […]

  2. 最初のものは、エマニュエル・ブーシェの合併症の1つに不思議な三次元のダイヤルを除いて通知のうちの場合、サファイアクリスタル。後者はといえば、私はより多くの時計会社を使用し

    最初のものは、エマニュエル・ブーシェの合併症の1つに不思議な三次元のダイヤルを除いて通知のうちの場合、サファイアクリスタル。後者はといえば、私はより多くの時計会社を使用したドーム型サファイア結晶のようなこのグレアの傾向ではないことを願います。 ブランドコピー時計 と同様に、このサファイア結晶に及ぼすarコーティングの他の通知をしなければ何か特定の形状と厚み。まだ具体的には、私はパネライ、あなたを思っています。

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    スーパーコピーブランド格安販売店はこちらへ!品々の激安価格に持ったスーパーコピーブランド 代引きの新作はお客様に提供されます。安心、迅速、確実、お客様の手元にお届け致します。★弊社は9年の豊富な経験と実績を持っております。★一流の素材を選択し、精巧な作り方でまるで本物のようなな製品を造ります。★品質を重視、納期も厳守、お客様第一主義を貫きは当社の方針です。★驚きの低価格で商品をお客様に提供致します!★早速に購入へようこそ!

  7. スイス昨年各種経済指標が比較的に理想的で、全国的には喜んで?。しかし、スイス連邦政府の経済最近事務秘書署は、スイス経済最近に遭遇した30年以来の珍しい困難を予測し、国民経済

    スイス昨年各種経済指標が比較的に理想的で、全国的には喜んで?。しかし、スイス連邦政府の経済最近事務秘書署は、スイス経済最近に遭遇した30年以来の珍しい困難を予測し、国民経済は今年、縮んで2 . 2%、2010年に失業率が5%の上昇があり。

    • Kayleen

      Hi Set1hI&#82,7;ve finally got around to replying to my comments as I just wasn’t up to it before now. I hope you’re well and that life is good. As far as McLaren’s intentions – who knows? For my part I think the movie ranks down there with the atrocious ‘Sid n Nancy’ – neither of them contain much I recognise – and I was there!Soo x

  8. 今回のピーターSpearke-Marinさん携帯からブランドの創立以来の多くの代表作を含めて、ウブロ時計コピーMARIN-1など、MARIN-2やUnique piece限定版Piccadilly Panda、ゴッドオブTime、Thalassaなど経典之作

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