The Super Weird Thing I’m Thankful For
(Graphic: Kat Borosky/
We asked a few of our contributors for the things they’re thankful for — not the obvious things, like family, food, water, health — but those little intrinsic things only they can appreciate. A dishwasher named Sven is perhaps my favorite. In fact, two of our contributors actually named their beloved inanimate objects, because they are so fond of them.
Let the weird begin…
I can’t live without trashy romance novels, the worse the better, even better if they involve vampires — did I just write that out loud? Guess I did. There is nothing like a bad romance novel to wipe out the convoluted work of trying to build a tech start up and dealing with wireframes and coding by day.
—Adaora Udoji
Zzzs with JJ
JJ is my travel-size down pillow. I really don’t think I could sleep without him. I come from a long line of pillow-namers 🙂 I can roll it up and put it in my suitcase!
Pick Up The Damn Phone
I am thankful for people who still pick up the phone once in a while, because I absolutely HATE texting. Especially conversations via text. Texting to say you’re late, fine. Texting to tell me that your mother just died or you want to know what I think about a book — STOP IT! Just call me! Related: I am thankful I am not single because dating seems to be done via text now so I would die a withered crone if I had to negotiate that bullshit.
Goodbye Job
Losing my job. Really. That’s not something that one might normally be grateful for, but after a 12-year career in politics, I needed that break. I have never felt so confident or sure of myself and what I want. I do want to go back into politics but I needed that step back. Who knew that unemployment could be a blessing in disguise?
Bifocal Contact Lenses
Bifocal contact lenses have CHANGED. MY. LIFE. I’d given up on ever being able to multitask (e.g., watch Top of the Lake and knit at the same time), and now I can do it all again. At least until my reading glass power tops 2.50…
Minty Clean
Comfort, smooth-glide minty dental floss. It’s like a pedicure for your teeth! Have you ever even tried using the other stuff? Ugh.
—Amy Choi
Spanx and Motrin
That is all.
Mom’s Notebooks
Now that my mother is 75 and getting very forgetful, I’m grateful that she has kept detailed financial records in spiral notebooks in perfect Catholic-school handwriting that I can read. And, alternately I’m also grateful that I can check to make sure her bills are being paid online.
Energy Works
I’m grateful for the ability I had to learn energy work from a Tibetan healer when I was the editor-in-chief of W.I.T. (Women in Touch) back in the late 1990s. Since then, I have used it on myself to heal sunburn, reduce the inflammation from bumps and bruises, and I even taught my five-year-old daughter how to use it to heal her little boo-boos, since she was a baby.
—Estelle Erasmus
Sex without birth control, spotless lingerie, no more bloating, and no more tampons! So, I have to say, despite the hot flashes and a bit of weight gain, I’m thankful for menopause!
—Catherine Weaver
Songkick’s early alert system for concerts by every artist in my iPhone music library.
Cathy Says…
Heaven on earth is the Lindt Excellence Touch of Sea Salt Chocolate Bar. It’s my go-to pick-me-up. And I always share!
Mmm Salty
Salt and vinegar almonds because they taste like salt and vinegar chips, but are healthy (right?). The perfect nosh!
—Kate Kudish
Face It
Neutrogena’s Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Anti-Blemish Cleanser. Even though I’m almost 40, I still break out. But now I’m also started to get wrinkles (fun!). This stuff smells great and targets my two biggest skin issues.
Even You, Rat
NYC subway system, I’m thankful for you even when rats scuttle across your tracks, even when you smell like a gym bag full of Roquefort, even when break dancers backflip through your cars and nearly kick me in the teeth. You’re cheap, humbling, and entertaining; I’m so damn glad I don’t have to mess around with a car.
Quilted with Love
I was lying in bed, admiring a quilt my grandmother made with a “Sirloin Stockade” logo and pink polyester fabric, and thought, I’m thankful for quilts my grandmothers made. I can stare for hours at the vintage fabrics and the hand-stitched details. Grandma-made quilts are extra warm and comforting.
And He Does Dishes…
My dishwasher. I even gave it a name: Sven.
—Laura Goldberg
6 Responses
Wendy I am thankful to Lauren – who makes me seem just a teensy bit less odd. (Seriously, who names a dishwasher? Naming a pillow makes much more sense! LOL.)
Editor’s Note: Hey, Thanks | Tue Night […] Our contributors share the weird things they’re thankful for…. […]
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auto insurance I’m so glad that R.Simple did a piece on this! They might mention this, but even the location of certain items’ shelf height is predetermined. Brands pay more to be placed eye-level, front-n-center, etc. It’s insane. Shop the perimeter of the store first, then see what you still need! Target’s edition isn’t necessary, I’m pretty sure I already know that 99% of what I purchase there is/was unplanned. Love it anyway.
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