TueNight 10: Anne Mourier
Age: 55 years old.
Quick Bio: A conceptual artist, a mother, and a feminist who loves men, Anne Mourier hails from France and New York (and a little bit from Venice, too). Her latest performance “Cycle,” in collaboration with artist 2Fik, will be presented during the open studio weekend at The Invisible Dog Art Center in Brooklyn in May.
Beyond the bio: “I love more and more human interactions. Material things have less importance for me as time goes by. This is why I am interested by performances…they allow me to have deeper interactions with strangers. They nourish me and help me progress in my journey. I feel more and more the synchronicities of life also and smile when people are “sent to me.””
1. On the nightstand: One book from Carl Jung, one book about the spiritual life of water, two books about witches and one artwork from Claudia Paneca.
2. Can’t stop/won’t stop: Not dying my grays and making love.
3. Jam of the minute: A new artwork I bought at the Armory show and have to hang in my apartment and getting white tulips for my living room.
4. Things I miss: not being affected by jet lag.
5. 80s crush: Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin (their music, theirs looks, their love, their kids).
6. Current crush: My youngest daughter’s look (she is 21).
7. Will whine about: Politicians and new giant advertising screens floating down the East River.
8. Will wine about: Millennials. They give me hope for the future.
9. Best thing that happened recently: Starting to believe in myself.
10. Looking forward to: Getting wiser and wiser.
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