TueNight 10: Beth Arky
Age: 59
Quick bio: After two decades as an entertainment magazine editor (Entertainment Weekly, TV Guide), Beth now writes personal essays and covers children and teens with developmental, mental health and learning challenges for the nonprofit Child Mind Institute. She is also a warrior mom, advocating for her 15-year-old son, who is on the autism spectrum.
Beyond the bio: “At 59, I’ve discovered that I have a strong voice and that confidence can’t be tied to a number on the scale. I’ve also learned the hard way that I need to take care of myself—in other words, put the oxygen mask on first—before I can help anyone else. And since my marriage ended four years ago, I’ve found that dating younger men can be fun!”
1. On the nightstand: The Blue, a historical novel by my friend Nancy Bilyeau; a stack of New Yorkers I’m going to get to one of these days, damn it; my iPhone (I know, terrible for an insomniac like me but it’s a hard habit to break); Lubriderm; a Voluspa candle in French Cade & Lavender
2. Can’t stop/won’t stop: Gushing over dogs. No, I don’t have one…yet.
3. Jam of the minute: “Blue Bayou.” Have you heard Linda Ronstadt’s newly released live album?
4. Thing I miss: Having a life partner.
5. 80s crush: Well, actually, I spent my teens in the ’70s. I’d have to say back then, I was into a long-haired James Taylor.
6. Current crush: Naveen Andrews. I had already fallen for him in The English Patient and Lost; then I learned that he dates older women. (His one-time squeeze was Barbara Hershey, who’s 21 years his senior. Maybe I have a shot?).
7. Will whine about: The dearth of men like Naveen Andrews online
8. Will wine about: A great blush, regardless of the season.
9. Best thing that happened recently: The New York Times did a prominent featureon Green Chimneys, my son’s incredible boarding school, which uses animal therapy; there are farm animals, dogs, birds of prey, camels, you name it. I take great pride in the advocating I did to get him there.
10. Looking forward to: Spending more time with family and friends; community, real-life community, is key. Also, figuring out my next big thing, be it a new writing project, job and/or career. I’m still a work in progress.
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