TueNight 10: Kim O’Donnel
Kim O’Donnel is a chef, food writer and teacher. She’s penned three cookbooks, including the newly released PNW Veg: 100 Vegetable RecipesInspired by the Pacific Northwest. Born and raised in the Philadelphia area, she’s been based in Seattle since 2008. When she’s not on the road, Kim is the chef-in-residence at a Seattle branch of the YMCA, cooking and teaching food literacy.
1. On the nightstand: Salt Houses by Hala Alyan, Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders, Bianco by Chris Bianco.
2. Can’t stop/won’t stop: Preaching the gospel of home cooking. If more of us cooked 1 more meal per week, we’d be happier + healthier. (I also will stop everything for a cop show – ‘Bosch’ is most recent fave.)
3. Jam of the minute: “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” by Justin Timberlake. What can I say – I like happy music. (Also: strawberry-vanilla bean from my preserve pantry.)
4. Thing I miss: Manners as a rule rather than an exception. Let’s bring back ‘please’ and ‘thank you,’ pretty please! (Thanks.)
5. 80’s crush: Bruce Willis in Moonlighting
6. Current crush: Issa Rae
7. Will whine about: Under-salted food, tow trucks and the people who drive them, weak coffee, right turns without turn signal.
8. Will wine about: The attempts on killing a free press and many other constitutionally protected rights by the current non-administration. I drink on it every night.
9. Best thing that happened yesterday: Ten people in my cooking class, ages 8-78, all shades of skin, sundry backgrounds, learning how to make egg-fried brown rice, their faces full of vegetables, not potato chips.
10. Looking forward to: The return of decency and humanity to the White House.
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