TueNight 10: Kristen Chase
Age: 42
Basic bio: She’s been a music therapist, college professor, online web publisher (at Cool Mom Picks) and social media magic maker (at the newly-launched, killer-named One Tough Bitch).
Beyond the bio: “I still remember when my post-college internship supervisor asked me what I thought “old” was and I said “40.” What followed as a stink eye that I’ll never forget. Now that I’m 42, I probably wouldn’t have been as nice to me as she was.
My mid life status has brought a whole lot more worry: about every ache and pain. About trying to raise four humans to be awesome, empathic, compassionate people. About leaving a legacy for them. But it’s also brought a whole lot of DGAF, which I so desperately wish had been bestowed on me sooner.
At a pretty inspiring weekend at Campowerment (seriously life changing), someone told me that nothing you do has to be forever. That the choices you make for today, don’t necessarily need to be what you do tomorrow, or the next week, month or year. As an anxious person, the idea of staying in the moment and making choices for today is pretty foreign. But damn is it freeing.”
Here’s Kristen’s TueNight 10:
1.On the nightstand: Full Catastrophe Living, by Jon Kabat-Zinn; Codename Villanelle: The Basis of Killing Eve, by Luke Jennings; Astrology: Using the Wisdom of the Stars in Your Everyday Life, by Carole Taylor. I rarely read fiction outside of plane rides.
2. Can’t stop/won’t stop: Binge-watching Ray Donovan. I’m only on Season 2 and Season 6 just launched. I guess that means I get to drool over sociopathic Liev Shreiber for the rest of the year.
3. Jam of the minute: Anything on the Guilty Pleasures Spotify playlist. It’s every single embarrassing song on your playlist you’d never tell anyone you like from every single genre. Journey, followed by Backstreet Boys, followed by Neil Diamond.
4. Thing I miss: Coffee. I stopped drinking a year or so ago because it huts my stomach (yay 40). I can’t even drink decaf.
5. 80s crush: Ricky Shroder. (PS: I know it’s Rick now, but he’ll always be Ricky to me).
6. Current crush: Ryan Reynolds. I was a fan way before anyone else thought he was the sexiest man alive.
7. Will whine about: People who still FaceTime or watch YouTube videos in public with no headphones.
8. Will wine about: Being a woman over 40. It’s a total thing and I feel bad for ever begrudging my midlife friends for whining (and wining) about it.
9. Best thing that happened recently: The One Tough Bitch jean jacket auction for charity! We launched it at Bloomingdales and it’s live online until 11/28. We partnered with 20 artists from around the country to design jackets for an amazing cause, Give Her Camp, that lost everything in the Woolsey Fire.
10. Looking forward to: Paris with my kids for Thanksgiving. I love being able to take them exciting places!
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