TueNight 10: Nancy Davis Kho
We were so excited when we heard that Nancy Davis Kho started a new podcast, Midlife Mixtape, and even more excited when she credited feedback on an essay she wrote for TueNight as her inspiration. Nancy describes the podcast as celebrating “Gen X at midlife with humor, heart, and a really good beat.” We’ve listened to the first few episodes and couldn’t agree more. Nancy kindly answered the same 10 questions we’ve been asking in our TueNighters Facebook group (sign up here).
1. On the nightstand: The Japanese Lover by Isabel Allende, Life Among The Savagesby Shirley Jackson
2. Can’t stop/won’t stop: Spending too much money on concert tickets
3. Jam of the minute: “Green Light” by Lorde
4. Thing I miss: Sleeping in. Up at 5:30 or 6 am every g-d day, regardless of bedtime
5. 80’s crush: Neil Finn
6. Current crush: Neil Finn
7. Will whine about: Where to start, with this administration? Climate change deniers, since they literally undermine the ground on which we’re able to protest every other injustice.
8. Will wine about: A nice frosty beer, since wine makes me headachy now.
9. Best thing that happened yesterday: Had dinner with two friends I met in college 30 years ago and we started talking about how grateful we are to know each other all these years and then we cried at the table #perimenopause.
10. Looking forward to: My college freshman coming home this week!
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