TueNight 10: Penelope Codrington
Age: 52
Quick bio: Penelope dreams of abandoning her legal career and surrendering to her vocation: purposeful storytelling. She enjoys writing essays and performing stories with a social justice or uplifting theme and is grateful for any opportunity to share them.
Beyond the Bio: “A decade ago, I decided that I was tired of feeling invisible. I forced myself to speak up, stand out and choke down feelings of insecurity in places and situations where I felt unwelcome. It’s been a life changing exercise, so freeing and empowering.”
1. On the nightstand: Guanahani, My Love by Marion Bethel, a wonderful attorney/poet/writer/activist from The Bahamas.
2. Can’t stop/won’t stop: I’m obsessed with the scary drama of the impeachment proceedings.
3. Jam of the minute: Any tune on the Deep House or Frankie Knuckles stations on Pandora.
4. Thing I miss: Dancing in New York night clubs until closing, emerging tired and happy to a bright Sunday morning and slowly walking home drinking a New York Seltzer peach soda.
5. 80s crush: LL Cool J
6. Current crush: Brian K. (my dude), the sweetest, sexiest man ever! He’s 10 years older, from way upstate New York, a veteran, and an outdoors enthusiast which means that on paper, we have nothing in common. Love of my life.
7. Will whine about: The challenges I’m having trying to reenter the workforce after taking a couple of years off.
8. Will wine about: Strength training. I’m so strong I can’t even believe it. Dropping those weights at the gym like boom! My teenage sons are impressed which is surely a miracle.
9. Best thing that happened recently: I became a published author thanks to Tuenight!
10. Looking forward to: My wedding at home in the Bajan countryside this June.
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