TueNight 10: Shannon Watts
Age: 48
Quick bio: Shannon Watts is the founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and the author of Fight Like A Mother: How A Grassroots Movement Took On The Gun Lobby And Why Women Will Change The World (HarperOne).
Beyond the Bio: “I get asked all the time if I do my own social media — yes, that’s all me. I love to scan Twitter in waiting rooms, in grocery lines and while waiting on runways. Some people play Candy Crush, I tweet.
My travel schedule this summer will be insane…I have a repetitive injury in my shoulder from lifting my suitcase into the plane overhead, but I would rather have a rhino gnaw off my toenails than have to check my luggage through baggage claim.”
1. On the nightstand: A huge stack of magazines I haven’t been able to read because I’ve been on the road.
2. Can’t stop/won’t stop: Eating pistachios in the shell. I have callouses.
3. Jam of the minute: New album Assume Form by James Blake.
4. Thing I miss: My Blackberry. That red flashing light is addictive.
5. 80s crush: Scott Baio
6. Current crush: Anyone but Scott Baio
7. Will whine about: My kids selectively ignoring my texts unless they need advice or money.
8. Will wine about: Not getting to drink wine. My husband figured out wine was disrupting his sleep, so we’re on a cocktail kick.
9. Best thing that happened recently: My husband and I are new empty nesters moving to California. I’m excited to experience a winter without snow.
10. Looking forward to: The day after the 2020 elections
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