TueNight 10: Felicity Enders
Age: 47. I think. I always have to stop and do the math!
Quick Bio: Felicity is a Professor of Biostatistics at Mayo Clinic, where she leads a large group of clinical statisticians. Now that she’s a full professor, she’s become open about her interest in diversity and inclusion.
Beyond the Bio: “I really enjoy finally being old enough to say what I really think. So, now I’m working on ‘softening my image’ to avoid scaring people too much when I tell it like it is.”
1. On the nightstand: Jason Fung’s The Complete Guide to Fasting
2. Can’t stop/won’t stop: Talking (bragging or worrying) about kids
3. Jam of the minute: 1491 audiobook. Third time through!
4. Thing I miss: Ummmm… living in the moment without serious care for the future.
5. 80s crush: Tom Cruise. Who now makes me shudder.
6. Current crush: Matt Damon. Can’t get enough!
7. Will whine about: Chronic sleep deprivation
8. Will wine about: Any interaction with former sexist/racist boss
9. Best thing that happened recently: Husband became a stay at home dad. HOORAY!!!!!
10. Looking forward to: Going to Sicily for conference and taking husband but not kids
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