Wait! Before You Unfollow Everybody…
Maybe you’re sick of social media at this point. We get it. We’ve been unfollowing friends from high school left and right. It’s hard to navigate the need to stay engaged and focused, and our need to take care of our psyches. It’s my job to be on social media all day long. Intermittent breaks aren’t just necessary, they’re mandatory. But when I come back to the screen, there are certain people and pages I follow to keep challenging my own beliefs, point me toward helping to change the future, and give me a much needed laugh — occasionally all at the same time.
Here’s a short list of the Facebook pages and Twitter accounts that keep us going in these dark days.
- Periods for Politicians Formerly Periods for Pence: P4P organizes direct contact campaigns with a focus on reproductive justice awareness. You want to legislate my body? You’d better know how it works!
- Pantsuit Nation: This started as a private group in the week before the election to show broad support for HRC. It now has 3.4 million members and keeps growing. A diverse group of HRC supporters sharing their personal stories, from transgendered veterans, to men who ride Harleys, to female physicians declaring their scrubs their pantsuits, it’s intentions are entirely inspirational and positive.
- Trumplethinskin Exactly what it sounds like. People post stuff that will set off the angry toddler in Trump. Unfair! Wrong!
- Awesomely Luvvie a.k.a. Luvvie Ajayi is a Chicago based writer and self-proclaimed troublemaker. She’ll call you out and you will thank her for it, while laughing your ass off.
- Full Frontal with Samantha Bee We have been crushing hard on Samantha Bee throughout the election, and we need her now more than ever.
- @kamalaharris: Senator-elect to California. Only the second black woman in history elected to the Senate. Future first female president?
- @wonkette Snark. Politics. Fuck yeah.
- @ijeomaoluo Editor at Large at The Establishment
- @feministajones writer, blogger, public speaker, community activist
- @paulryangosling Hey girl, there’s nothing funny about the results of this election…except this Twitter account.
— Karen Gerwin is the Social Media Editor for TueNight.
(Photo: smailox/pixabay)
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