What’s the One Habit You’ll Never Give Up and Why?

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{%= data && data.name ? data.name : " " %}
{%= data && data.twitter ? data.twitter : "" %} 

Record Your 22-Second Video!

Thank you.

Welcome to our second edition of 22 Seconds with TueNight! This week, we're sharing our favorite habits — the ones we cling to, the ones we relish, like a cigarette at a party. It's super easy to record a video right from your phone or screen and hit submit, so join us in the fun. You'll have 22 seconds to tell your story and you can redo as many times as you want to get it right. And don't be disappointed if it takes a few minutes for your video to show up; we're doing some light monitoring behind the scenes (ahem, keep it clean). See you on the page!

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Tell Us in the Comments

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One Response

  1. Editor’s Note: So How’d Those 30 Days Go? | Tue Night

    […] we have another 22 Seconds with TueNight video series where you can easily share your own resolutions and whether you did or didn’t succeed. Or whether […]


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