Women Who Inspire: Christy Haubegger
(Photo Courtesy of CAA Speakers)
NAME: Christy Haubegger
AGE: 45
OCCUPATION: Executive, Creative Artists Agency (CAA) and founder of Latina magazine
WHO SHE IS: In 1996, long before publishers knew that putting J. Lo or Sofia Vergara on the cover would sell a magazine, the then 28-year-old law school graduate tried to fill the gap in the mass media by launching a publication aimed at U.S. Hispanic women. Latina’s success woke the publishing world to the power of Latin women and earned Haubegger kudos everywhere, from Advertising Age’s “Women to Watch” to Newsweek’s “Women of the New Century.”
In the new century, Haubegger turned to another area where she felt Latinas were not getting their due: Hollywood. She joined CAA and has been tackling the lack of diverse images of Hispanics in movies and television, working a consultant to filmmakers and actors, while continuing to serve on the board of Latina Media Ventures.
WHY SHE INSPIRES ME: As a Latina and a professional, I know what it’s like to be the only one of my kind in the boardroom – the only woman, the only minority, or the only minority woman – so it is encouraging to see that the next generation will have more examples of women like themselves to help them power through the rough times. Christy often tells a story about going back to her hotel after a day of meetings and another guest confusing her for the housekeeper when she went to the ice machine. I remember an older white man trying to hand me his coat check receipt while I waited for my own coat after a party at Trump Tower. We all have our stories; it’s good to know someone is telling them.
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