9 Days, 5 States and One March for Justice [PHOTOS]
On April 13, 2015, Justice League NYC gathered folks from New York City and around the country to march to Washington, DC in order to push for criminal justice reform legislation in our nation’s capital. The event culminated in a concert and march on April 22. Creative Mornings Community Director and social activist Sally Rumble decided to pack up and go (she joins below on Day 6.) Here is her story, in pictures.
(Thank you to photographer Alex Arbuckle.)
DAY 1: Staten Island step-off led by three women of color
Somewhere in NJ
Day 3: Blisters set in
PAIN. Poem by student poet following the murder of Trayvon Martin and acquittal of his killer moves marchers to tears
Day 4: Hello, Pennsylvania
Stretch break
PA STATE TROOPERS. Carmen equipped with a camera in case of police brutality directed at her
BRUCE. Former Black Panther in the 70s. He marched the entire 250 miles without injury
HOSTILITY. In Maryland, Confederate flag sightings, drivers yelling, “White Power!” and the n-word
LOVE. Milly FaceTimes her three children while marching
ALEX. Official March2Justice photographer and stunt man
EXHAUSTION. Quadir and Brother Ali still don’t know I took this shot 🙂
OOF. Air mattresses. Every. Night.
DAY 6. My first day! (I’m on the right, in the sunglasses)
Why didn’t I train for this?
It’s HOT out here
MORE POLICE. Walter, one of our four brave marshals, negotiates with police
FOOD! One of many community centers (schools, churches, mosques) to feed and accommodate us
WISDOM OF ELDERS. Bruce speaks at an evening rally in Baltimore, to a beautiful crowd of local supporters
LOVE. Quadir offers to be a son to three mothers at the rally whose sons were killed by police
DAY 7: BALTIMORE. We learn of Freddie Gray’s death this morning and head to his neighborhood in West Baltimore
This is West Baltimore
This is West Baltimore
This is West Baltimore
They greet us like family
They greet us like family
We salute in solidarity
And they salute back
They join us in the street. This is Freddie Gray’s brother. He marched behind me and I could hear him weep
To demand answers. We arrive at the Western District Police Dept demanding to know why Freddie died?
Big Day = Big Blister. Gross… sorry
Better hit the shower. This is a shower at a mosque
Day 8: I’m tired
Dance Break
REALLY? I sprained my knee
Remember Bruce? Yeah, he’s still injury-free after EIGHT DAYS OF MARCHING!
But my nails look better than his
Naima did a color change on a lunch break (Pro!)
Weather hits. Tamika on her cell phone organizing tomorrow’s rally — WHILE MARCHING!
Our leaders cross the D.C. state line
Union Baptist Church welcomes us at the end of Day 8
FAMILY. Darius’ mom greets him and I lose it. *tears*
DAY 9: MORNING RALLY. Celebrating the men who kept us safe
DAY 9: WASHINGTON, D.C.: Hundreds of people join us for the last day
DAY 9: WASHINGTON, D.C.: Hundreds of people join us for the last day
SUPREME COURT. Police threaten to arrest us if we march on the road so we do a die-in
“One more mile” selfie
We made it
Danny Glover was there to greet us
So was John Lewis, now a Congressman — John Lewis led the March to Selma 50 years ago
We made it
We made it
We made it
We made it
This is what America looks like.
Nobody is free until we’re all free.
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