Heck Yeah, We’re Hosting a House Party!
Join us for an online virtual house party (yes, we said house party!) on Tuesday, December 13th, for TueNight’s famed evening of storytelling, community, laughs and tears as we explore, honor, and celebrate all of the #1 Daughters.
What is a #1 daughter?
The one who is responsible for everything. Oh, you know who you are. The trusted decision maker. Advice giver. The one who cares for the parents. The go-to. And as so many of us are living longer, those responsibilities are evolving.
How will this work?
For this edition we’ll be going cross-country (virtually) to hear stories in real-time from our Gen-X sisters (and a few Millennial, Xennial and Boomer friends) about what it means to be a daughter through the lens of aging.
PLUS, Gifts, people: When you RSVP, you will automatically be entered to win an amazing gift box valued at over $250!
Storytellers will be announced soon. In the meantime, you can snag your spot for free via Eventbrite!
For official giveaway rules, please click here.
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