There’s a New Girl in Town, with a Brand New Style
Hello Friends!
Check out the new digs!
*Tosses a handful of sparkle confetti*
After many long months of behind-the-scenes work, we are beyond thrilled to unveil the total TueNight makeover: bright, bold and modern — just like the thousands of Gen-X women we know and aim to serve each and every day.
When I embarked on this ambitious (and slightly scary) process, I kept two things in mind: (1) I wanted to project the strong, dynamic energy each and every one of you brings to this party, and (2) it was vital that the vast amount of content, company, and commiseration that TueNight.com holds (after almost eight years at this game) be easy to see, search, and browse so you can find whatever content you want, whatever confirmation you’re seeking, whatever company you need — with as little effort as possible.
And I think we’ve achieved that.
I invite you to come on in and take a dive: Search by Issue, if you remember a past theme you loved (Secret is still one of my all-time faves), or browse them all. Click through to see our roster of Contributors (including you, maybe?), and find all the stories written by your favorites. Dig into our newly visible categories: LOL for laughs, Reinvention for starting-over stories, and Nostalgia for, well… you know, Simon Le Bon?! Whether it’s the 90s or the 70s that we’re flashing back to, it’s our shared history after all, part of what makes us, us.
And this redesign comes at an exciting time, as we double down on community and the incredible value of what we give each other as we make our way through these middle years — and of how much we have left to learn, from each other and from the many experts among us (by now we know some things!), as we chart our paths future-forward.
Meet the TueNighters

Today, we also open the doors to our new TueNighters community, a space where we will be able to do so much more together.
- Events! Virtual, right there on that platform. We’ll have our first TueNighter Tea with Stacy London on May 18, as well as info about our in-person events when COVID is in the rear-view mirror.
- Live and on-demand courses. Wanna be a better writer? Find a new job in a new career? Finally write a living will? Do funky and cool crafty things? Sign up!
- Groups. At long last, we can create hangout rooms around single topics. We’ve started with a Book Club, and city-based groups to connect with local TueNighters, but I’m pretty sure a Real World fan club and Menopause Bitchfest are just around the corner.
- Live chats! Like, you know, being together! How very digital/analog!
There are so many ways for us to enrich each other’s lives and have each other’s backs. What I’ve seen grown with this community since 2013 has been both humbling and deeply awesome. And I’m so very proud to be able to keep investing in our community with these great leaps forward.
Please share our sexy new design with family and friends. (And bear with us if you see a few little bugs here and there). I’ll be shouting from the rooftops, but as you know, everything is exponentially better with smart, sassy, trusted company around.
Poke around and let me know what you think!
P.S. Thank you to our all-woman crew who made this possible: LamaSix (Isla and Linsey) for the beautiful design; Michelle Schulp/ MarktimeMedia for being a fantastic (patient!) developer; Heather Graham for her stellar editing; Stacy Morrison for her clutch wisdom and editing; Liz Thompson — social goddess; Kerika Fields Nalty for expertly wrangling us TueNighters; Margaret Crandall for her newsletter brilliance; Robin Gelfenbien for managing our courses; and Jen Roventine for keeping all of us organized and managed. Extra spicy shouts to Rachel Sklar and Brooke Hubbard for adding their magical consulting flourishes and Michelle Arnold and Deesha Philyaw for moderation savvy this year.
Much love and fist bumps to all.
4 Responses
Susan McPherson Best thing since sliced bread!! Truly. Congrats Margit and team for this heroic and massive upgrade. So excited to watch it grow.
xx Susan
Margit Detweiler Thank you Susan!! ❤️
Daniella What a brilliant opening and a great sneak peek. Thank you. I’ll bet in addition to being proud and exhilarated, the TueNight team must be kinda wiped. Rest easy and thank you.
Marci Alboher BRAVA!! Been so wonderful and inspiring to watch this community thrive and leapfrog to an exciting new chapter…kind of like experiencing its own midlife surge.
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